In 2018, we built our own primary school in western Nepal, providing education opportunities for over 150 students. To do it, we traveled to the remote village of Baishakha where we worked hand-in-hand with the community, skilled construction workers and BuildOn.org.
We built our second gender-equal school, this time in the village of Keur Mbangou in Senegal, Africa. Once again, we lived in the village and worked alongside the community to get it done. We also carried giant boulders on our head and sang Bob Marley songs into wells (which have great acoustics).
Due to Covid, international travel stopped, but we didn’t. For the 2020 presidential election we organized an initiative called, “Bump The Vote”. Inspired by the fact Tiffany was due on election day, we partnered with well-known local artists and expecting moms to create a social media voting initiative that was picked up by international front page news.
During the height of the Omicron surge, we partnered with a Grammy-performing gospel choir and Christmas to get more people vaccinated. We wrote original lyrics to Christmas songs, partnered with NYC to have onsite vaccines, then put on a show outside the Apollo.